Ferzeen's Home Catering commenced during the Covid 19 lockdown period. Easy access to shopping made life difficult.
Having good culinary skills and having offered volunteering services of preparing healthy food on several occasions for her children's primary school, and the food was well appreciated by the school community, Ferzeen's lovely children suggested that mom should put her skills to good use and start a home based catering business.
Ferzeen loves to pass her time cooking up tasty, healthy, nourishing meals and can spend endless hours preparing and trying out new items to add to her wide range of different Indian and Parsi style foods. Fusion and some of her innovative cuisine are very popular. There's now a good number of customers who look forward to her fortnightly menus, party catering. Ferzeen has provided cuisine for some community events, where the food was much appreciated and loved by those attending events and very efficient delivery service is also available for a small fee. Shopping and cooking is done personally by Ferzeen herself, making sure she maintains a high quality and standard of the food she orepares.
In a short while the clientele has grown and party catering and bulk orders for community groups have also increased as she doesn't compromise on purchasing the best of sources, high quality of meat fish etc that is fresh and uses minimum oil in her preparation. It's worth a try, and rest assured, you won't have regrets.
Ferzeen's home based business is run from her home and is a licensed kitchen approved by the Council.